I played around with fractals way back when, but the state of the art has advanced quite a bit since then. Apophysis 2.0 is software that will generate "fractal flames", something like fractals but way cooler. Flam3 is software that will render the individual frames of an animated fractal flame.
At 30 frames per second, and 5 seconds to render a frame, rendering takes 150 times real-time. A four-minute animation takes about ten hours to render. Then there is the time to generate the video from the stills, mix in the music and titles, and upload the thing to YouTube.
All of this doable. The computer does most of the work, while I do something else, like sleep or eat. Unfortunately, I can't do my usual strategy of "let's make a dozen of these and see which one we like best". Someone needs a faster computer.
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