Monday, December 10, 2007


oprabama Oprah is touring with Obama. This is really quite unprecedented. Oprah is a LOT more successful than Obama, she's more famous, and she has more money. Being Obama's warmup act is a step down for her. She's slumming in the sordid world of politics.

Meanwhile, Obama has two things going for him. He's a great speaker, and he's not Hillary. Really, what is Obama famous for, except for a few great speeches?

Obama has always been the candidate with the most style and the least substance. Oprah is the Queen of Daytime Television. By definition, her audience doesn't have anything productive to do during business hours. Is this a natural alliance, or what?

With Oprah to draw a crowd, Obama can reach more people with the audacity of hope, whatever than means. Of course, I like to quantify things. I note that Obama has gone from a 10% chance to a 30% chance for the nomination at Intrade, and that the polls have him leading in Iowa. Intrade has Hillary at 60%. Not that I would take either side of the Obama trade... anything could happen. It's a great story!

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