Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Experimental video

This is a proof-of-concept project that combines still frames into a video. I took a digital photo and modified it programmatically to make 3,888 different frames. I ran the frames through Windows Media Encoder to make a video and edited the video with Windows Movie Maker.

Computer colors are combinations of red, green and blue. A photographic color negative inverts all three colors at the same time. However, if you're messing with the bits and bytes, it's just as easy to invert one color at a time. First I inverted red, then green, then blue, then red again, green again and blue again. At the end, all three colors have been inverted twice. Everything cancels out, and we have the original image again.


Boomer Biddy said...

I find it icky for some reason, an emotional reaction. It reminds me of spider webs and scabs and used band-aids and makes my skin crawl.

TTB said...

Aha! Boomer Biddy, thou dost admit the work has power!

Dead sharks in a vat of preservative juice or a dead cow's head with maggots sell for millions. If Comrade Shaw figgers out the marketing angle, he could retire to waterfront Kahala rather than Missouri.