Monday, November 26, 2007

Rainbow Sudoku

I took a solved sudoku, replaced the numbers with colors, and generated this image. I added a black background to separate the colors and make it easier to see the 3-by-3 blocks.

Sudokus are tileable. If you take the three blocks from the left of a sudoku and move them around to the right, you still have a sudoku. Similarly, you can move blocks from the top to the bottom. Consequently, if you repeat the pattern, you can pick out any 3-by-3 block and the 8 surrounding blocks, and you have a sudoku.

Unlike the plaids, this pattern is not weavable from horizontal and vertical threads. However, it could be made from little ceramic tiles (and black grout).


Anonymous said...

Fascinating! Would you make one in shades of blue?

Boomer Biddy said...

In looking at the first Sudoku you posted, I realized I had misspelled "dilettante' in a post. Is there a spell checker that can be attached to these blogs, meine Blogmeister?